Botox: necessary

The skin of youth contains copious collagen and elastin, has plump healthy cells of the dermis structures, has plush blood flow, and is uniformly distributed.
Maintaining the purest skin structure and appearance requires three basic processes: preventing the wrinkle, treating the appearance of the wrinkle, and using a maintenance serum to keep the skin healthy.
Preventing the wrinkle is done by the neurotoxins, of which Botox was the innovator. Botulinum toxin from a bacteria is injected into the muscle and blocks the release of acetylcholine which prevents communication between nerve cells and paralyzes the nerves and muscle contraction. A wrinkle is produced by multiple muscle contractions, so decreasing the contractions prevents deepening of the wrinkle. By relaxing the face muscles and preventing the wrinkle, and then treating the skin, the wrinkle is minimized.
There are other neurotoxins approved for cosmetic purposes, and they all work in similar ways.
Botox is FDA approved for treating the brow, forehead, and eye areas, but it is often used in other areas of the face for a global improvement in wrinkles and skin structure. There are certain doses that are approved, and again variations sometimes are made in the doses. These variations in injection technique and location and the doses can create variability in treatments.
Botox injections are not painful, slightly uncomfortable, and require being upright for a few hours afterwards. Botox takes a few minutes to administer. The effect can take place within a few hours or up to 2 weeks, and usually lasts around 3 months or slightly more. Botox and other neurotoxins for cosmetic use are somewhat costly, and almost all of my cost to clients is the actual Botox medication.
My office can give you information about Botox consults, with me, and see how the cost can be decreased with the referral process.
And of course to maintain and treat the skin, I have many methods of treatment to restore collagan, elastin, and blood flow; and I have a skin line with botanicals, retinoids, and antioxidants to keep the skin as healthy as possible! 850-916-7766
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